Fans of General Hospital have been anxiously awaiting the return of John J. York as Commissioner Mac Scorpio to wrap up the storyline about his newly discovered son, Cody Bell (Josh Kelly). York took a leave from the show last year to undergo cancer treatment, leaving Cody’s paternity a dangling plot thread. With York on the mend, Kelly recently shared some insight into where this story could go when Mac comes back to Port Charles. In this article we talk about What’s Next for John J. York? Josh Kelly Reveals All About General Hospital’s Future.
Insights from Josh Kelly:
Kelly acknowledged that he tries to keep in occasional contact with York, careful not to bother him too much. But he hopes York will be back on set soon so they can “analyze that storyline” between their characters. Viewers are eager to see how Mac reacts when he inevitably discovers that Cody, who literally parachuted into town last year, is actually his son.
Cody’s Secretive Nature:
Cody learned the truth about his paternity earlier this year but has kept it secret, allowing Mac to remain unaware. Kelly explained Cody’s secrecy as stemming from the character’s lifelong feelings of abandonment and lack of self-worth. Having been given up by his birth parents and adopted by parents who “didn’t even really want him,” Cody assumes he is unworthy of acceptance. So upon learning Mac Scorpio is his father, he defaulted to his defense mechanism of lying to protect himself.
Cody’s Personal Growth:
As Kelly put it, “He sabotaged relationships and career and things.” But perhaps the greatest growth fans have witnessed in Cody is his blossoming romance with Sasha Gilmore. After initial reticence about relationships, he has opened his heart to find happiness with her. Kelly hopes that by the time York returns, Cody will have built enough confidence in himself and come to terms with deserving love. If so, maybe he can finally come clean to Mac about their connection.
Mac’s Expected Reaction:
Knowing Mac’s steadfast, supportive nature, viewers expect he would welcome his newly discovered son with open arms. But the reunion will likely go smoother if Cody can reveal the truth himself, demonstrating his personal growth. As Kelly said, “Maybe, just maybe he’ll be ready to come clean with the truth on his own.”
Character Development and Audience Investment:
The drawn-out reveal has allowed the audience to invest more in Cody as a character. Once criticized by fans as bland, the burgeoning “slow burn” romance with Sasha and subsequent heroic actions have endeared him more to viewers. Discovering he’s Mac’s son also immediately elevated his importance and roots within the canvas. As Kelly self-effacingly said, “They call me the slow burn.” But for both the character and actor, the patience has paid dividends.
Hope for York’s Return:
While Cody still has more work to do on himself before the imminent confrontation with his father, Kelly and fans alike are hopeful York’s return is on the horizon. The men will then get the chance to dive into this long-simmering storyline and give it a deserving, emotional payoff. Perhaps a teary confession from Cody, an initial shock and anger from Mac, but ultimately acceptance and joy over finding his son.
The possibilities for resonant, character-driven drama are ample with this reunion. After a year-long wait, General Hospital devotees are more eager than ever to see their Commissioner back in action to wrap up this arc. Josh Kelly has done admirable job holding down the fort in York’s absence. But now with Mac back, maybe the real fireworks can start as an estranged father and son build a relationship from the ashes of the past. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this “What’s Next for John J. York? Josh Kelly Reveals All About General Hospital’s Future” article.

We are thrilled to feature Dory Larrabee Zayas, a NYC-based beauty, fashion, and parenting writer with a keen eye for celebrity news and biography journalism. Dory’s insightful contributions appear in renowned publications such as Allure, Well+Good, Forbes, and RealSelf. Known for her fresh perspective on midsize fashion, beauty trends, and parenting, she brings a wealth of expertise and diverse viewpoints to
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