Barbra Streisand left fans stunned when she publicly asked actress Melissa McCarthy if she had used the diabetes medication Ozempic to lose weight. The exchange occurred in the comments of an Instagram post where McCarthy shared a photo of herself looking noticeably slimmer. In this article we talk about What did Barbra Streisand ask Melissa McCarthy on her Instagram that shocked fans?
The Incident That Caused a Social Media Frenzy
On Sunday, McCarthy posted a photo of herself with director Adam Shankman at an event in Los Angeles. In the caption, she referenced being closer to her “dream of dancing on stage,” alluding to her recent weight loss. Streisand, who follows McCarthy on Instagram, commented on the post asking “Give him my regards did you take Ozempic?”
Ozempic is a medication used to manage blood sugar in type 2 diabetics. However, it has become well-known for its off-label use as a weight loss drug due to its appetite suppressing side effects. Streisand’s question shocked fans who felt it was inappropriate to ask someone about their medical information in a public forum.
The Flood of Criticism Streisand Faced for Her Remark
Streisand’s prying question was met with immediate backlash from McCarthy’s supporters. Dozens of fans responded calling out the nature of Streisand’s inquiry as rude, nasty and an invasion of privacy.
One user wrote “Wow really! What happened to not talking about Bodies! As a mother of a daughter that’s not ok we as women need to not focus on appearance.” Another commented, “I’m so totally taken aback that you could ask her that on Social Media for all to see? I love and adore you, truly, but that disappointed me.”
The overall sentiment was that whether or not McCarthy used Ozempic was no one else’s business. Fans criticized Streisand for publicly speculating about something so personal and potentially sensitive. The question was seen as disrespectful, especially coming from a highly regarded public figure like Streisand.
Backlash About Hollywood’s Focus on Appearances
Some responses highlighted a larger issue in Hollywood about appearances being prioritized over health. One user wrote, “Movie stars will never stop focusing on appearance” in response to Streisand’s remark. Another fan made the point that “How about just being healthy for the sake of being healthy?”
These comments speak to an ongoing criticism that the entertainment industry promotes unhealthy standards about looks and weight. Streisand singling out McCarthy’s weight loss rather than her health struck a nerve for many fans. They felt the question perpetuated unnecessary focus and judgment on women’s bodies.
Streisand Quickly Backtracks and Deletes the Comment
Shortly after posting the question about Ozempic, Streisand deleted the comment from Instagram. However, the quick removal was not enough to squash the frenzy and debate her words had already sparked. Fans continued to call out Streisand’s inappropriate question and the broader issue of women facing scrutiny over their weight.
Some fans even questioned if Streisand’s actual account had posted the remark or if someone else had access to it. But the incident undoubtedly tarnished Streisand’s reputation as a women’s advocate and cultural icon. While McCarthy did not respond publicly, fans rose to her defense for what they saw as an insensitive and unacceptable inquiry.
The Bigger Implications of Streisand’s Misstep
Beyond just offending McCarthy and her fans, Streisand’s question touches on multiple sensitive issues – privacy, bodily autonomy and women facing disproportionate judgment about their appearance. These themes clearly hit a nerve with many people who felt compelled to call out the inappropriate nature of Streisand’s now-deleted comment.
The intense backlash Streisand received speaks to shifting cultural attitudes about weight, beauty standards and what is considered acceptable to discuss publicly online. The prevailing sentiment is that a woman’s health decisions, including potential weight loss methods, are private matters not to be addressed in an unsolicited way.
Streisand, someone who has advocated for women’s rights and equality throughout her career, should understand these implications better than most. But her tactless remark revealed possible blind spots even among those considered progressive on women’s issues.
An Important Reminder About Sensitivity and Respect
While likely well-intentioned, Streisand’s question about Ozempic use demonstrated insensitivity and lack of awareness around key issues. It serves as an important reminder for people to carefully consider what they say publicly, especially regarding topics like health and medical decisions. Promoting bodily autonomy and privacy should be paramount.
The intense criticism Streisand faced is a sign that fans are unwilling to tolerate inappropriate speculation about women’s health and bodies, even from celebrities they otherwise admire. McCarthy’s supporters made it clear that kind of judgment is unacceptable. This can hopefully prompt broader discussion about gender biases that persist around issues of weight and appearances.
Streisand’s stumble calls attention to the need for more conscientiousness and respect when engaging publicly on potentially sensitive subjects. The backlash provides an opportunity for growth through listening, acknowledging harm done and having meaningful dialogue. While the specific incident clearly impacted her reputation, the broader issues it highlights impact all women in pervasive ways. With awareness and compassion, real change is possible. I sincerely hope you find this “What did Barbra Streisand ask Melissa McCarthy on her Instagram that shocked fans?” article helpful.

We are thrilled to feature Dory Larrabee Zayas, a NYC-based beauty, fashion, and parenting writer with a keen eye for celebrity news and biography journalism. Dory’s insightful contributions appear in renowned publications such as Allure, Well+Good, Forbes, and RealSelf. Known for her fresh perspective on midsize fashion, beauty trends, and parenting, she brings a wealth of expertise and diverse viewpoints to
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